Saturday, December 29, 2012

Tragic-comedy of House Committee on Aviation/Dana Air Crash saga

By Group Captain[rtd] John Obakpolor

I have waited this long before lending my voice to the issue above. In all my years in aviation industry both here and abroad, I have never come across a situation as this: where a group of people constitute themselves as judge and jury to pronounce judgment in a case which they are not professionally competent. It was a travesty  of justice.
I am pleased at the amount of resentment poured out by the Nigerian professionals who felt insulted by these masquerades and impostors parading themselves as the watch dogs of the industry.
How could they violate the sanctity of the 'Hallowed' chamber to perpetuate this heinous crime of character assassination in the name of oversight duty they knew nothing about? I thank God that Nigerians are not as ignorant as they thought.
The history of Aviation industry accidents/incidents is as old as the industry itself. When they happen, it takes time and patient to unravel and the causes found are used to proffer solution for future occurrence of such accident/incident.
The results are never punitive in nature, else the spate of accident/incident would be exacerbated. If we have to apply the Hope Uzodinma approach, there would be no Aviation industry in the next one year. I am happy that we operate a system of checks  and balances. 

In an accident investigation, you must have an open mind to allow free flow of information. You do not draw conclusion until the evidence before you point you toward that direction. You do not work from answer to question but allow the answer to evolve itself.
That was Senator Hope Uzodinma's style. At its inauguration, his committee directed that the D.G, NCAA stepped aside to allow for unhindered investigation.
This is not a financial misappropriation matter. That was where he goofed. He was playing out  somebody’s script who have zero tolerance for healthy competition in the industry.
This idea was brought to me when I headed the administrative panel on the same DANA crash investigation. I thought it was a joke but I now know better.
How else can one explain why a committee of a legislative arm of government now wish to assume the role of NCAA in the issuance of Aircraft Operator’s Certificate (AOC) and its revocation.
The two chambers joint committee members must be guided  in the way they trod 'carelessly' in Aviation terrain. Free flow of information is the bedrock of safety consolidation Aviation. 
If this is achieved in the industry, confidence would have been restored to  the industry. Safety Management System  (SMS) must be fully entrenched and enforced on the operating airlines in the country. 

Much has been said about the age of  an aircraft as a cause of  frequent aircraft accident in Nigeria, but this is not correct.
The age of an aircraft has no adverse effect on its operational performance if the schedule maintenance is strictly adhered to. This  is what NCAA has been doing to make sure that airlines do not default in their maintenance schedule.
The  committee recommended  a 15years bar for any aircraft operating in Nigeria. This will not only make it impossible for airlines to re-fleet but also make it impossible for them to sustain themselves in business.
A well maintained old aircraft is better than a poorly maintained new aircraft. A Kenyan 737-800 that was three month old when it crashed in Cameroon as a result of wind shear; that is  weather related cause.
Bad weather does not discriminate between old or new aircraft and in this case.  What matters, is perfect air-man ship and discipline. An old aircraft could be retrofitted  and become new.
An aircraft has two major components; Air frame and Engine and they both have different life span. The engines are change from time to time as at when due but an Airframe, when it reached the designed age limit are taken out of service.

MD 83
Contrary to the committee findings MD 83 aircraft is very much in operation all over the world including countries in Africa. How far can emotion lead us when taking decision that will affect our economic structure.
During the era of Nigeria Airways which lost one of its aircraft in a crash, elicited a lot  of emotional out cry  and with a government fiat, the airline was made to dispose of its fleet six (6) F28 brand new Aircraft type without any technical reasons
When will this hasty and unsubstantiated decision making attitude stop? Enough is enough. Seek for professional advice before taking such far reaching decisions. 

A lot has been said about this crash. High profile emergency meeting held and communique was issued at the end; all pointing towards suspicion. It is unfortunate that we have gotten to this stage in our Aviation industry.
The military is a place where such thought should not be entertained because it is apolitical and non partisan in nature.
Why would any one doubt the outcome of a military investigation to suggest the inclusion of an independent observer in the name of “consultant”. If  the situation has gotten to this stage in our society, then God help us.
Let me at this juncture express my heart felt condolence to Mr. President , the family of those who lost their dear ones in that horrible accident; I joined the teeming Nigerians to pray for the repose of the souls of the  departed.
Military crashes happen every now and then. They happen that we might learn from the result of the investigation. There has been suggestion that the military operation be put under the Ministry of Aviation. That should be the last thing to be considered.
I attended a workshop in the UK last October to review the performance of MILITARY AVIATION AUTHORITY (MAA) in UK. This body came to being as an after might of the crash of a reconnaissance aircraft (Nimrod) in Afghanistan. The fallout from that report gave birth to MAA.
It was found out that there was no unified regulatory authority for the military. Every arm of the  service was operating on its own. There was no interference from the CAA.
With the MAA the services are brought under one command and made the relationship with the CAA seamless.
The volume of our operations may not be in the magnitude of the UK, it would be appropriate if we started thinking along that line.

It is high time we started doing things the right way. There is no room for ignorance , hypocrisy, cheap popularity and hatchet man job in Aviation industry.
Bogus consultants whose knowledge is centered around vendetta and destruction of the few proven hands in the industry should be exposed and stopped. It is time to sheath the sword and do some constructive work to the good of the nation. 

I wish you all COMPLEMENT of the season. 

Group Captain John Obakpolor (rtd.) was former Chairman National Society of Engineers (Aviation)

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